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Hemo care

Commande maintenant pour profiter de la PROMOTION 2 thé+1 baume a moitié prix livraison gratuite
10,000 FCFA 21,800 FCFA
vous economisez 11,800 FCFA (54 %)

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HEMO CARE is an a natural herbal product which is effective for the 
complete treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, anal fissures,
rectal prolapse.
, anal fissures, anoretal prolapse.
thousands of people have found healing thanks to this product,
the product is composed of syrup and anal spray.

Commande maintenant pour profiter de la PROMOTION 2 thé+1 baume a moitié prix livraison gratuite
10,000 FCFA 21,800 FCFA
vous economisez 11,800 FCFA (54 %)